Our Blog
Schedule morning stretches into your day to ease back and shoulder pain
Are you sitting down for this? Research continues to show that sitting for more than four hours a day can contribute to back pain, neck pain, muscle degeneration, and osteoporosis. Plus heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
How chiropractic care can help with treating your sore hips
Got sore hips? You’re not alone. It’s a common pain point that affects people of all ages and all abilities. After all, your hip is a major weight-bearing joint that is designed to provide stability and strength to your body.In this blog, we will help you understand more about how your hip works, how it’s commonly damaged, and what you can do to help prevent pain or discomfort. Read on to find out more.
Meet the team: A quick Q & A with Dr. Luke Ross, our chiropractor in Drummoyne
Dr. Luke Ross is one of the chiropractors in our Drummoyne clinic. Currently completing his Master of Research before commencing his PhD next year, Luke keeps active by training for extreme obstacle course events like Tough Mudder.
Do you lack energy in the afternoon?
Whether you spend your day at work in an office, in a store or in your car visiting locations across town -- one of the most typical parts of an average workday is the afternoon slumps. You can almost set your clock by it. At around 3pm, you can lack energy, concentration, and the verve to smash those last few goals in your day. But there are ways to beat it.
How flexibility exercises could be the missing link in your workout regime
Maximising your flexibility means you are likely to have less injuries, less pain, improved posture and balance, increased strength, and better physical performance.